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How absolutely PRECIOUS!!!!
The book is BEAUTIFUL!!!!!

oh my word....these are so cute!

How precious!!!

oh my goodness!
these are so, so adorable.
just love the book.
love the dress.

way too cute! She is so blessed to have you for her mama...

What an adorable book...it's such a treasure! These images of her with her beloved book are so cute. Have a lovely weekend. ♥

Totally precious. We sing those very same songs too.

how sweet charla!! beautiful little girl. what a blessing!!! love all of your sewing and photography.

Oh,oh that book is too Cute for words!!
Love the dress too! Adorable pictures ♥♥

Love this to pieces! ♥

she's such a doll...and that book! Wow, you are so creative...what a treasure for her to keep.

this is so precious and beautiful! oh i love that song too! Jesus <3 me..

that book is amazing as are these images.
you are so talented!

Be still my heart.

Your sweet comments have made my day! Thank you!

Would you consider making a tutorial for this book? I love it and would like to make one for my daughter!

Thank you Alice!
I wish I had a pattern for it, but I just made it up as I went along. I was inspired by this cute Japanese embroidery book...

Your mothering is beautiful, as well as your work.
I am very inspired by both.
You create beauty without And within. Thank you for sharing it with the world.

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